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Error Log - Error Writer to Text File.

public static void ErrorWriter(string Message, string InnerException, string StackTrace, string FileName, string MethodName)

                string path = "path";
                // This text is added only once to the file.
                // Write to the file:
                if (File.Exists(path) && (new FileInfo(path)).Length > 5 * 1024 * 1024)
                    File.Move(path, path.Replace(".txt", DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".txt"));

                string log = string.Empty;
                log += "=============================================================================";
                log += Environment.NewLine.ToString();               
                log += "Data Time:" + DateTime.Now;
                log += Environment.NewLine.ToString();
                log += "Message:" + Message;
                log += Environment.NewLine.ToString();
                log += "InnerException:" + InnerException;
                log += Environment.NewLine.ToString();
                log += "StackTrace:" + StackTrace;
                log += Environment.NewLine.ToString();
                log += "File Name:" + FileName;
                log += Environment.NewLine.ToString();
                log += "Method Name:" + MethodName;
                log += Environment.NewLine.ToString();
                File.AppendAllText(path, log);

            catch (Exception)




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